motor oil

Vitex Diesel 15W–40
Multigrade mineral based engine oil for diesel engines either with or without turbocharging.
Multigrade mineral based engine oil for diesel engines either with or without turbocharging. It includes ideal package of German Power Additives ensur...
Vitex Extra 20W–50
Multi-grade all-season mineral oil with SAE 20W-50 viscosity grade. It is designated for petrol and diesel engines of vehicles, minibuses and light tr...
Vitex М-6з/14г SAE 15W-40
Multi-purpose all-season mineral motor oil with viscosity class SAE 15W-40. Used in gasoline and diesel engines (turbocharged or regular). Base oil sy...
Минеральное моторное масло М-6з/14ДМ 
Vitex 15W-40 (М6з/14ДМ)
High-efficiency all-season mineral motor oil with viscosity class SAE 15W-40. Used in highly augmented gasoline and diesel engines (turbocharged or re...
Vitex М10г2к
High-quality seasonal mineral motor oil with multi-function additive package. It is used in diesel engines of trucks, light cars, vans, and specialty ...
Vitex М10ДМ
High-quality seasonal mineral motor oil with multi-function additive package. It is used in high-powered diesel engines of heavy-duty trucks, dump tru...
Vitex М8В SAE 20W20
High-quality multipurpose mineral motor oil with multi-function additive package. It is used in heavy-duty  turbocharged diesel engines operated in se...
Vitex М8г2к SAE 20W20
High-quality multipurpose mineral motor oil with multi-function additive package. It is used in naturally aspirates diesel engines operated in variabl...
Vitex М8ДМ SAE 20W20
High-quality multipurpose mineral motor oil with multi-function additive package. It is used in heavy-duty  turbocharged diesel engines operated in se...
Vitex 15W-40
Mineral motor oil
Multi-purpose all-season mineral motor oil with viscosity class SAE 15W-40 designated for diesel engines of vehicles, microbuses, light trucks, buildi...
Vitex 15W–40 API CI-4/SL
Mineral motor oil
It is multi-grade all season mineral based engine oil of SAE 15W-40 viscosity designated for contemporary diesel engines of vehicles, microbuses, ligh...
Vitex 10W-30 (М5з/12Г)
Mineral motor oil
High quality multipurpose mineral motor oil with SAE 10W-30 viscosity level. Suitable to be used in high-powered gasoline and diesel engines in vehicl...
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